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Hi, my name is Kaveman and I'm a... Software Developer Kaveman.Resume.pdf
Background: A map I worked on called "Madness" for the TankiX orginization


Recent Activity

Student - Tech Academy This was the Live Project portion in the bootcamp where it simulated a work enviorment and what you'd be doing as a programmer, aside from doing standups, there was a task board where there were tasks the required me to update content, add CRUD pages with .NET MVC and functionality with Entity Framework and properly style pages.
Unity Developer - Revive Tanki X Since the closure of Tanki X by AlternativaGames in early 2020, I have been involved in the Revive Tanki X community as a developer. I've collaborated with other developers, using Discord to communicate and GitHub as the Version Control system, my work included, but wasn't limited to, client development, reverse engineering, patching, and maintenance of the game.
Fullstack Developer - Battle of the Forces This is a personal project I work on my free time and is built with Unity3D and the C# language. The game is based on Tanki X except readjusting everything to be more balanced and be more logical than what TankiX has become. This project is still in developerment
UI/UX Developer - SkyChat Built a web application for a decentralized chat platform for a Skynet competition. Looked and functioned very similiar to Discord or Slack, except not tied to a central location. Design is fluid and supports switching from mobile/desktop/portrait view. Also built an electron client which included a few tweaks to make the app look and feel more smooth.