Home / Projects / Tanki X

OverviewA breif history about this project

Since the closure of Tanki X by AlternativaGames in early 2020, I have been involved in the Revive Tanki X community as a developer. I've collaborated with other developers, using Discord to communicate and GitHub as the Version Control system, my work included, but wasn't limited to, client development, reverse engineering, patching, and maintenance of the game.

During the initial stages of server development, my first tasks was to create a user database, to store information like user inventory, statistics, and logs. My DBMS of choice at the time was SQLite with ADO.NET, this implementation remained unfinished and was not deployed beyond development due to time constraints.

I primarily focused on frontend development, where I reverse engineering the game client to implement fixes and introduce new content. A good example is the Madness map, it derives from the Tanki X's prequel Tanki Online. It was a map commonly played with moon gravity where you could knock others off the map. Another member initially built the map using placeholder props, and my contributions involved making new props for the map, correcting map geometry, adjusting and baking lighting, adding initial game logic and mitigating issues involved in releasing the map.

Aside from the addition of a map, I've also worked on adding two new paints and two new graffiti items, this required me to understand the games underlaying code and how the game processes assets. In order to add new items into the game I had to understand what a bundle catalog was, how Unity Asset Bundles work, and how to properly build valid bundles within Unity to publish into the game.

As a disclaimer, I am not one of the original developers of the game and I am not affiliated with AlternativaGames at the time of writing.

ProjectsMost recent shown first

Language Selector Patch - Unity Developer Oct 2023 unity Unity3D CSharp C# Git GitHub
Using C# and Unity components, I modified the UI to display languages in a table with three columns to support multiple languages and provide a better user experience.
Boombox Update - Unity Developer Apr 2023 unity Unity3D
The update that brought a new map called "Rising School"
Madness Update - Unity Developer Mar - Apr 2023 unity Unity3D CSharp C# Git GitHub
This update features a new map with two variants and a custom goldbox
Content Update - Unity Developer Jan - Feb 2023 unity Unity3D CSharp C#
**Needs brief, overview, tech content and media**
Landing Page - Web Developer Dec 2022 HTML HTML CSS CSS javascript JavaScript CSharp C# Git GitHub Demo Live Demo Available
I designed a landing page for the project as a central location to download the game and check the leaderboard.