Landing Page I designed a landing page for the project as a central location to download the game and check the leaderboard.
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Project DetailsInfo behind this project

This project took two weeks to complete and produced a website with a landing page, a leaderboard, and non-public pages like email/order confirmation pages. During development, the source contained models for each item; the navigation and footer are "models" on a separate file that are put on the site when the site is building (which happens in real-time if in development). The benefit of the component/model approach is that I am able to modify the navigation and footers once and have it updated throughout the whole site rather than having to change each page manually. The leaderboard page doesn't render on the server; the client requests JSON data from the server and dynamically renders the leaderboard rows

Technologies UsedWhat engines, frameworks and tools were used

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

HTML is used to define the general hierarchy and relationships between elements on a webpage. HTML itself, usually doesn't look very presentable and looks like a something you'd find in the 90s, so you'll need to use CSS to add color.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

CSS is used in combination with HTML, it is used to "paint" the canvas that was built with HTML. However, CSS is not a programming language and does not provide any programmable functionality.

Javascript (JS)

Javascript can be utilized to provide functionality and programmable logic to webpages and/or servers assumming it is using a JS runtime on the server. With Javascript you can make a popup open to alert the user about unsaved changes or process a login request.

I used Javascript to ..

  • .. request data from the server about what should be on the leaaderboard
  • .. create rows and animate filter

C# Programming Language

C# (pronounced Sea-Sharp) is an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language that was developed by Microsoft in 1999. It is designed to work with the .NET Framework, which provides a wide range of libraries and APIs for tasks such as database interaction, networking, and graphics manipulation. C# is widely used for building Windows applications, web services, and mobile apps.

The server used in development and stading is based on my Custom Web Server project. It divided site components into "templates" used to make building the site easier, the server then compiled the static files to put on a public WebServer

I utilized C# in this project by writing..

  • .. a custom Active Server Pages (ASP) server tailored towards making this site (if I were to do this again, I would use ASP.NET MVC instead)
  • .. making a site template and models (like widgets)

GitHub (Version Control)

Git is a Version Control System (VCS) used to track changes to a codebase over time. GitHub is a centralized Git service owned by Microsoft that lets developers easily collaborate with each other. GitHub also offers other tools for development such as Boards (named GitHub Projects), Issues and automation.

GitHub was used to ..

  • .. distribute changes and test changes with other developers for code review
  • .. build and ship new iterations of the site to the production server

MediaPictures, animations or videos for this project