Tech Academy is a school located in the downtown region of Portland, Oregon and offers several bootcamps to choose from. I choose the "C# and .NET Bootcamp" since I have worked with C# before and I want to pursue a career as a C#/.NET developer. Prior to enrolling, I was a self-taught programmer and have worked on extensive projects prior to the bootcamp. The main purpose of enrolling was to refine my knowledge and fill in any gaps that I may have. Except I never realized just how much knowledge I was missing, I had concepts and assumptions, but they didn't have a solid foundation on which they made sense. As a basic example, floating point numbers were inaccurate and often times would get rounded to a certain number (specifically happened in Unity), but based on the base-2 numbering system, not all numbers are able to be represented from base-10 to base-2 when it comes down to decimals.