This was an project to make a calculator in the browser that can perform basic math operations. The calculator buttons send events to the virtual calculator "processor", that processes each button press. It has two "registers" where there a left number and a right number, the left number is either the first number you enter or the sum of the last compution. The right side is the number that you are going to do operations on. The operators (+, -, ÷, ×, =) switch the register to right or add the sum and push left then switch to right.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
HTML is used to define the general hierarchy and relationships between elements on a webpage. HTML itself, usually doesn't look very presentable and looks like a something you'd find in the 90s, so you'll need to use CSS to add color.
CSS is used in combination with HTML, it is used to "paint" the canvas that was built with HTML. However, CSS is not a programming language and does not provide any programmable functionality.
Javascript can be utilized to provide functionality and programmable logic to webpages and/or servers assumming it is using a JS runtime on the server. With Javascript you can make a popup open to alert the user about unsaved changes or process a login request.
I used Javascript to ..
Git is a Version Control System (VCS) used to track changes to a codebase over time. GitHub is a centralized Git service owned by Microsoft that lets developers easily collaborate with each other. GitHub also offers other tools for development such as Boards (named GitHub Projects), Issues and automation.
This project pushed changed to a central repository where I kept my Web Projects. It is public, so you can see the source code here.